Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1


Once you have mastered all Five Essential Move-
ments you’ve reached a major milestone. For
most people this will be the ultimate goal. If all
you did from that point on was to maintain your
strength and ability to perform these Five Move-
ments you will have a solid baseline of functional
fitness for life. Put another way, if you can do two
sets totaling 100 pushups, 12 chinups, 12 pullups,
24 shoulder press pushups, 100 full body squats,
and a total of 6 minutes of plank variations, you’re
fit—period. I’d venture to say that you are a 1 in
1,000 physical specimen! Sure, you can produce
tiny incremental gains in the gym, but at this point
I’d recommend broadening your definition of fit-
ness to direct more energy to sprinting, playing,
and low level endurance work.

While PBF LHT bodyweight exercises can offer
even the strongest guys and gals out there a chal-
lenge, there is certainly a place for lifting weights
in PBF if that interests you. For one, Workouts
of the Week (more on WOWs in chapter 5) peri-
odically make use of weights. Secondly, I highly
recommend tossing on a weight vest to increase
the difficulty of any of the bodyweight move-
ments listed above. Just be sure that you’ve
mastered all advanced bodyweight exercises
before adding weight.

While the PBF Five Essential Movements guide-
lines are specific and focused, I want to emphasize
that simplicity and personal preference are keys to
your strength training routine. You don’t have to hit
every Essential Movement at every workout, and
can feel free to introduce other adaptations to your
workout that still respect the basic concepts.

How To: PBF LHT cont’d 59

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