Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

Chapter 4: Sprint Once in a While....................................................................................

I guess you could call this section “Born to Run, Part Two.” When you consider the millions of years

over which our ancestors evolved to sprint upright for the purpose of ending a hunt or to evade

being hunted themselves, you can appreciate how humans are designed and well-equipped to

sprint anaerobically (all-out) for short distances. The problem is that many of us have become so

unfit that we’ve lost this most elementary of skills. There is probably no more effective weapon in

your modern fitness arsenal than sprinting.

Research confirms that an occasional series of short, all-out bursts of effort can have a more

profound effect on fitness—especially on fat loss—than a medium-paced jog lasting many times

longer. One set of sprints (also know as “interval training”) per week is all you need to improve

speed, muscle mass, bone density, cardiovascular strength and aerobic capacity. Sprints help

stimulate a pulse of human growth hormone and testosterone (beneficial for both men and women)

and it can have an immune-boosting effect. No other exercise modality gives as much bang for the

buck. 15 to 20 minutes from warmup to finish and you’re done. And before those of you who are

out of shape, grossly overweight, older or have bad knees decide that this part of the PBF plan is

not for you, you can definitely pursue low-impact sprinting options (bike, pool, elliptical and other

machines) and enjoy similar physiological benefits.

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