Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1


These are ideal, because sprint running is the
most basic movement the human body is de-
signed to do. We’ve got big glutes for propelling
us at high speeds across terrain, and sprinting is
a total body experience. All net benefits. If your
joints give you problems, try running in sand, on
grass, or without shoes. That’s right—go barefoot.
Our feet were born naked, and four million years
of natural selection has crafted some pretty ef-
fective lower extremities. Going barefoot actually
reduces stress on the joints, and wearing shoes
may actually cause damage to knees, hips, and
ankles. If those are problem areas for you—heck,
even if they aren’t yet—consider exercising bare-
foot or in the least intrusive shoe possible. Just be
very careful once again to ease into your first few
sessions. Even if you decide not to go the barefoot
route, avoid shoes with pronounced heels and
extra padding.

Hill sprints are another option for those with joint
concerns. Running uphill means less direct impact
with each footfall; your feet aren’t “falling” as far
when you’re going uphill. Plus, fighting gravity is
a killer workout, making hill sprints a viable option
for even healthy athletes interested in upping the
ante on their sprint days. Run the ups and walk
(rest) the downs.

If you can’t run, hop on that bike, but instead of
going for an all-day marathon trek, find a steep hill,
ascend as fast as you can, and coast back down to
commence another rep when your breathing has
returned to normal at the bottom. Pick a gear that
allows for as rapid a cadence as possible. This will
alleviate joint strain and actually provide more ef-
ficient leverage than stomping a bigger gear. You
can also do this workout on a stationary bike in
the gym, using the different resistance levels to
facilitate rest and work intervals.

Getting Started With Sprinting cont’d 65

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