Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1


Wind sprints in the pool are a fantastic way to get
your sprint session in. I’ll even sometimes skip the
beach sprints and opt for the pool. The total body
workout provided by a decent sized pool is pretty
much unparalleled. No pool? No sweat. Any body
of water will do, but finish your sprints in shallower
water (otherwise you might not get all the rest you
need between sets).


The sprinting row is another great total body work-
out, but you generally need access to a gym for
this one. Still it’s worth it if you can. The Concept2
Rower is the gold standard for indoor rowing
equipment. For sprint rows, go for 30 seconds,
rest for two to three minutes. It’ll take a lot out of
you—believe me, you’ll need the rest. Of course,
you could get truly Primal and head out to open
waters with a kayak, if you were so inclined.

Most people will see all the major benefits by
sprinting once a week at the most. I know some
very accomplished athletes who prefer a once
every ten days pattern. Be sure to ease into the
speed and effort as well as gradually increasing
the number of work intervals. Also give yourself
enough time in between sprints to return to a
normal breathing pattern and be fully prepared
to deliver a maximum effort at the next interval.
These are sprints, and they should be you at your
fastest! Each session should run about fifteen to
twenty minutes including warmups and transi-
tions, tops, and eventually be comprised of 8–10
actual sprints.

Getting Started With Sprinting cont’d 66

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