Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

Stair Drills:
This workout mimics the Sprint Drills but is con-
ducted on stadium or building stairs. Your flight of
stairs should take between eight and thirty sec-
onds to ascend. Take thirty seconds rest between
each exercise, or more (or less) as needed to feel
refreshed and get your breathing under control.

4 x warmup stair climbs at 75% effort. When
you reach the top, return immediately down the
stairs at a comfortable pace, then ascend again.

2 x single stairs. Ascend one stair at a time with
rapid leg turnover. Descend comfortably and
repeat effort.

2 x bounding stairs. Ascend by skipping as
many steps as you can with each stride. Focus on
keeping your balance rather than speed. Descend
comfortably and repeat effort.

2 x hopping stairs. Take off and land on both
legs, taking either one or two stairs at a time. Use
handrail if you are concerned about slipping and
proceed with caution. Descend comfortably and
immediately repeat effort.

2 x one-legged stairs (caution: very advanced
exercise). Ascend stairs by hopping on one leg,
one stair at a time. Using a handrail for support is
highly recommended.

4 x full speed stairs. Skip desired number of stairs
with each stride to get the top as fast as possible.

Descend comfortably and recover completely be-
tween efforts.


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