Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Perillo, A.F.^1 , J.A. McAuliffe^2 , H. DeStefano^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Fish nursery function of

alternative estuarine habitats in southeastern North Carolina. Contributed poster. 4th Annual

UNCW Undergraduate Research Showcase. 4/09.

Peterson, C.T.^1 and T.E. Lankford. Dental sexual dimorphism in bluntnose stingrays, Dasyatis

say: consequences for male feeding ability. Contributed poster. 4th Annual UNCW Undergraduate

Research Showcase. 4/09.

Lipton, I.P.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Fish nursery function of surf zone habitat: implications of

beach renourishment. Contributed poster. 4th Annual UNCW Undergraduate Research Showcase.


DeStefano, H.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Residential development of saltmarsh tidal creek

watersheds: effects on nursery habitat function for juvenile mullets (Mugil cephalus and M.

curema). Contributed poster. 4th Annual UNCW Undergraduate Research Showcase. 4/09.

Peterson, C.T.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Dental sexual dimorphism in bluntnose stingrays,

Dasyatis say: consequences for male feeding ability. Contributed poster. “Darwin’s Legacy:

Evolution’s Impact on Science and Culture”. Multidisciplinary Student Conference. UNCW, 3/09.

Perillo, A.F.^1 , J.A. McAuliffe^2 , H. DeStefano^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Fish nursery function of

alternative estuarine habitats in southeastern North Carolina. Contributed poster. “Darwin’s

Legacy: Evolution’s Impact on Science and Culture”. Multidisciplinary Student Conference.

UNCW, 3/09.

Lipton, I.P.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Fish nursery function of surf zone habitat: response to

human disturbance gradients. Contributed poster. “Darwin’s Legacy: Evolution’s Impact on

Science and Culture”. Multidisciplinary Student Conference. UNCW, 3/09.

McAuliffe, J.A.^2 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. The effects of residential development and water

pollution on fish community structure and nursery function of saltmarsh tidal creeks in southeastern

North Carolina. Contributed talk. American Fisheries Society, Tidewater Chapter Meeting. 3/09

Peterson, C.T.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Dental sexual dimorphism in bluntnose stingrays,

Dasyatis say: consequences for male feeding ability. Contributed poster. American Fisheries

Society, Tidewater Chapter Meeting. 3/09

Perillo, A.F.^1 , J.A. McAuliffe^2 , H. DeStefano^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Fish nursery function of

alternative estuarine habitats in southeastern North Carolina. Contributed poster. American

Fisheries Society, Tidewater Chapter Meeting. 3/09

Lipton, I.P.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Fish nursery function of surf zone habitat: response to

human disturbance gradients. Contributed poster. American Fisheries Society, Tidewater Chapter

Meeting. 3/09

W.R. Collier^3 , F.C. Rohde and T.E. Lankford. 2009. Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus, in

the lower Cape Fear River basin: trials and tribulations. Contributed poster. American Fisheries

Society, Tidewater Chapter Meeting. 3/09

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