Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Lankford, T.E. 2008. Evolution of somatic growth rate in fishes: what are the trade-offs? Invited

seminar, UNCW AFS Student Subunit Meeting, 9/08

Morley, J.W.*, J.A. Buckel and T.E. Lankford. The fate of summer-spawned bluefish during

winter. Contributed talk. The American Fisheries Society Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 9/08

Lankford, T.E. 2008. Beach nourishment and fish nursery function of surf-zone habitats: lessons

from Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Invited Seminar. North Carolina State University,

Center for Marine Sciences and Technology, 10/08

Lankford, T.E. 2008. Implications of Beach Renourishment for Surf Zone Ecosystem Health.

Invited Seminar. Planet Ocean Seminar Series, UNCW Center for Marine Science, 10/08

Stuart C.M., T.E. Lankford, A.E. Wilbur and J.A. Buckel. Genetic stock structure in bluefish

Pomatomus saltatrix.ENAR International Biometrics Society in Arlington, VA March 16, 2008,

Imhoff, J., S. Gruber and T.E. Lankford. 2008. Evaluation of ultrasonic accelerometry as a

technique for studying foraging behavior in juvenile lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris).

Annual Meeting of the Tidewater Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virginia Institute of

Marine Science.

Lankford, T.E. and W.D. Webster. 2008. The UNCW Fish Collection: A resource for

ichthyological research and education. Annual Meeting of the Tidewater Chapter of the American

Fisheries Society. Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Branson, A.C. and T.E. Lankford. 2008. Fish assemblage structure of estuarine versus ocean surf

habitats in southeastern North Carolina. Annual Meeting of the Tidewater Chapter of the American

Fisheries Society. Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Stuart, C.M., T.E. Lankford and A.E. Wilbur. 2008. Genetic stock structure in bluefish,

Pomatomus saltatrix. Annual Meeting of the Tidewater Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.

Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Swanson, C. and T.E. Lankford. 2008. Factors affecting fish community structure in the ocean

surf zone. Annual Meeting of the Tidewater Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virginia

Institute of Marine Science.

Moran, D., Branson, A. and T.E. Lankford. 2008. Preliminary investigation of the capture

efficiency of a 30x2m haul seine in estuarine habitats of southeastern North Carolina. Annual

Meeting of the Tidewater Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virginia Institute of Marine


Stuart, C.M., T.E. Lankford and A.E. Wilbur. 2008. Genetic stock structure in bluefish,

Pomatomus saltatrix. UNCW Sigma Xi Chapter Meeting

Stuart, C.M., T.E. Lankford and A.E. Wilbur. 2008. Genetic stock structure in bluefish,

Pomatomus saltatrix. UNCW Undergraduate Research Showcase

Tascone, T.S. and T.E. Lankford. 2008. Applying nutritional indicators of fish condition to

evaluate impacts of beach renourishment. UNCW Undergraduate Research Showcase.

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