Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Development and testing of a multimetric index for assessing surf-zone habitat function. Co-PI w/

L. Cahoon, M. Posey, T. Alphin and L. Leonard. N.C. Sea Grant. 2008-2011. $59,500

Stock structure of southern kingfish (Menticirrhus americanus) along the U.S. East Coast. N.C. Sea

Grant. 2008-2010.

Response to BP Oil Spill: Baseline Beach Sampling for North Carolina. Co-PI with L. Cahoon and

T. Alphin. N.C. Sea Grant. 2010-2011. $6,000.

Fish Nursery Function of Saltmarsh Tidal Creeks in Southeastern North Carolina: Effects of

Residential Development and Water Pollution. UNCW Cahill Award. $3,000. Co-PI w/ J.

McAuliffe. 2009

Recruitment dynamics of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix): coastwide patterns of juvenile

recruitment. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service/Rutgers CMER Bluefish Research Program.

$90,000. Funded 8/1/06-7/31/08. Co-PI with J. Buckel

Coastal Patterns of Juvenile Bluefish Recruitment in the Middle- and South-Atlantic Bights: North

Carolina. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service/Rutgers CMER Bluefish Research Program.

$136,616. Ends 5/07. Co-PI with J. Buckel

Honors, Awards, and Professional Service since 2007


Curator of Fishes, UNCW Vertebrate Collection (2006-present)

Member, Search Committee, Marine Biology Lecturer Position

Member, Undergraduate Assessment SubCommittee: Lab Report Review Panel for BIOL 366

Member, Undergraduate Assessment SubCommittee: Senior Essay Review Panel for BIO 495

Attended December commencement exercise

Attended Honors Student Medallioning Ceremony (Fall and Spring)

Assisted with Transfer Student Orientation

Co-Chair, UNCW Small Boat Committee

CMS Seawater Committee

CMS 1st Floor Space Committee

Instructor – MSC526: Provided shipboard research training to graduate students

Coordinator UNCW Campus Fish Relocation Project

Co-Chair, North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee, Fishery Management

Plan for Kingfishes (2005-present) – assisting DMF with development and assessments of FMP for


Member, North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission’s Strategic Habitat Advisory Committee

(2005-present) – assisting MFC and other DENR staff in developing a scientific process for SHA

assessment, designation and protection.

Advisor, North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission’s ‘Spiny Dogfish Compliance Panel’ (2005-

present) – assisting MFC with approaches to state compliance with federal and interstate regulations

regarding spiny dogfish harvests.


Member, Coastal and Marine Biologist Search Committee. >300 applicants, 4 successful


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