Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Member, Undergraduate Assessment Committee’s Lab Report Review Panel for BIOL 366

Manuscripts reviewed for Fishery Bulletin (1), North American Journal of Fisheries Management

(1), Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (1)

Co-Chair, UNCW Small Boat Committee

CMS Seawater Committee

CMS 1st Floor Space Committee


Faculty Peer Reviewer for Dr. Baumgarner (2 visits), Dr. Melroy (2 visits) and Mr. Muzyczek (1


Evaluator for 2 Graduate Teaching Assistants

Faculty Peer Reviewer for Dr. Long (2 visits), Dr. Mallin (1 visit) and Mr. Alphin (1 visit)

Evaluator for 2 Graduate Teaching Assistants: Courtney McClurkin and John Mejaski

Chair, Peer Evaluation of Teaching Committee

Summer School Committee

Attended December commencement, will attend May ceremony

Attended Honors Student Graduation Ceremony

Faculty Peer Reviewer for 6 colleagues

Assisted with Transfer Student Advising


Faculty Peer Reviewer for Dr. Southwood (1 visit), Dr. White (2 visits) and Dr. van Tuinen (1 visit)

Evaluator of Graduate Teaching Assistants

Faculty Peer Reviewer for Dr. Potts, Dr. van Tuinen, Dr. Zelnio, Dr. Stapleton, Mr. Alphin and Ms.


Evaluator of Graduate Teaching Assistants: Tyler Gibson and Bryan McLean

Member, Essay Evaluation Group, Departmental Assessment Committee

Attended December commencement, will attend May ceremony

Attended Honors Student Graduation Ceremony

Faculty Peer Reviewer for 8 faculty colleagues

Member of Committee to select Climate Change Speaker for departmental seminar, 4/11

Chair, UNCW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (2-year term completed August 2010).

Final year of activity included 21 reviews of new vertebrate protocols, 17 annual reviews of

ongoing protocols, 6 designated protocol reviews, 2 inspections of on-campus and off-campus

animal facilities, 4 full committee meetings, 6 reviews of protocol amendments, 5 protocol/grant

congruence reviews, and a formal investigation of alleged protocol non-compliance.

Co-Chair, UNCW Small Boat Committee

Participant, CMS/Industry working group on developing protective dissolved oxygen criteria for the

Lower Cape Fear River estuary

University Freshman Convocation Program

CMS Seawater Committee

CMS 1st Floor Space Committee

Instructor – MSC526

Student Interview, ENG 311 (Professional Magazine Writing) article on sand tiger sharks

Co-organizer (w/ F. Scharf and J. Buckel), 2011 Annual Larval Fish Conference, The American

Fisheries Society. International conference held May 2011 in Wilmington, NC


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