Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Group Discussion Leader, UNCW Convocation Program on academic expectations for first-year

students (planning in progress for fall convocation)

Loaned fish specimens to Hoggard High School science classes – spring, 2006

Assisted with relocation of vertebrate museum in preparation for Friday Hall renovation.

Manuscripts reviewed for:Marine Ecology Progress Series (2), Functional Ecology (1), American

Midland Naturalist (1), Southeastern Naturalist (2), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and

Ecology (1)

Grant proposals reviewed for: Maryland Sea Grant

Member, North Carolina Ocean Observing Planning Team (UNCW, UNC, NCSU, ECU, ECSU) –

discussion and development of proposal for statewide ocean observing system

Judge, Student Paper Awards, 2007 American Fisheries Society Tidewater Chapter Mtg, Lewes, DE

Volunteer Fish Biologist, 2006 Wrightsville Beach King Mackerel Tournament (benefits Seahawk

Club), 10/06

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