Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Interview with P. Smith (NC Sea Grant) for ‘Coastwatch’ article on beach nourishment research at

UNCW. 3/09


Peer review of teaching - Dr. Chris Finelli, Dr. Marcel VanTuinen

Post-Tenure Review - Dr. Steve Kinsey

Review of Graduate T.A – Y. Fang

Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Member, Long Range Plan Committee

Guest lecture - Hon 120: Student Research Opportunities in Ichthyology & Fish Ecology, 2007

Assisted with registration advising of transfer students

Participant, Faculty Searches for Conservation Biologist and Virologist

Participant, Graduate Student Prospectus Symposium

CMS Seawater Committee ; CMS 1st Floor Space Committee

Instructor – MSC526:

Attended December and May commencements

Carried CAS Banner at December commencement

Chair, UNCW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (first year)

Invited presentation, “Biology of Tunas” to UNCW Marine Odyssey Program

Group Discussion Leader, UNCW Convocation Program on academic expectations for first-year

students (planning in progress for fall convocation)

Member, Selection Committee for Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence (reviewed dossiers

of 7 nominees, submitted recommendations to CAS Dean)

Manuscripts reviewed for: Marine Ecology Progress Series, Transactions of the American Fisheries

Society, Southeastern Naturalist, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Grant proposals reviewed for: Florida Sea Grant (2007 Panelist: lead on 6 proposals, secondary on

5 proposals), New Jersey Sea Grant (external reviewer)

Attended PRIM&R 2008 National IACUC Conference and OLAW IACUC 101 Conference

Meetings in Atlanta

Teaching Review of Dr. Heather Koopman – Committee member

Appointed Curator of Fishes, UNCW Vertebrate Collection Presented ‘UNCW IACUC: Working

with Vertebrates’, 2006 new graduate student orientation

Organized faculty discussion “How to assist departmental teaching activities” for 2006 Retreat

Guest lecture - Hon 120: Student Research Opportunities in Ichthyology & Fish Ecology, 2006

Guest lecturer - Bio 458, 9/06

Assisted with registration advising of transfer students, 8/06

Data Analysis and Interpretation Using Statistica version 6.0. Informal presentation & software

demonstration to DIS Students, 4/07

Participated in Faculty Searches for Integrative Biologist and Quantitative Ecologist

Attended Departmental ‘Graduate Student Prospectus Symposium’, 4/07

CMS Seawater Committee ; CMS 1st Floor Space Committee

Instructor – MSC526

Attended December and May commencements

Member, UNCW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (2005-present)

Invited Presentation, “The 2006 Wrightsville Beach Renourishment Project: What about the

Fishes?” UNCW College Day, 11/06

Invited presentation, “Biology of Flounders” to UNCW Marine Odyssey Program. Landfall

Country Club, 9/06

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