Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Freshwater DW, Idol J & Long Z - Seasonal and Spatial Variation in the Benthic Community of

North Carolina Offshore Hardbottoms: Results. North Carolina Scientific Diving Symposium,

22 February 2013.

Taggart, JB and Long ZT. 2011. Soil factors in three populations of endangered gold sedge

(Carex lutea Leblond). Natural Areas Conference. November 1-4, 2011

Taggart, JB and Long ZT. 2011. Are white-tailed deer affecting the ecological integrity of the

Bald Head Island maritime forest. North Carolina Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine

Research Reserve Symposium.

Long, Z. T., S. J. Leroux, T. Faninger, M. Loreau. 2011. Interactive effects of enrichment

and the manipulation of intermediate hosts by parasites on infection prevalence and food web

structure. 21st Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Foundation. Daytona

Beach, Florida.

Freshwater, W., Long, Z., Addison, C., Whitfield, P. 2011. Canaries in the Coal Mine: Marine

Algae of North Carolina Hardbottoms. NC Science and Education Diver Symposium, AAUS,

NC Aquarium, Carolina Consortium for Scientific Diving, NC Aquarium, Pine Knoll Shores,

Long, Z. T., S. J. Leroux, T. Faninger, M. Loreau. 2010. Interactive effects of enrichment

and the manipulation of intermediate hosts by parasites on infection prevalence and food web

structure. Ecological Society of America. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA

Long, Z. T., S. J. Leroux, T. Faninger, M. Loreau. 2010. Interactive effects of enrichment

and the manipulation of intermediate hosts by parasites on infection prevalence and food web

structure. Benthic Ecology Meetings. Wilmington, North Carolina, USA

Long, Z. T., M. Cherif, M. Loreau. 2008. Coexistence of predators depends on differences in

their sizes and the sizes of their prey. The Ecological Society of America’s 93rd Annual

Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Lee, S. C., Z. T. Long, J. A. Krumins, and P. J. Morin. An experimental test of source-sink

dynamics in a multitrophic metacommunity. The Ecological Society of America’s 93rd Annual

Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Cherif, M., Z. T. Long, and M. Loreau. 2008. Evolving complex food webs with simple

physical and biological rules: a project. Gordon Research Conference, Metabolic Basis for

Ecology. Biddeford, Maine, USA.

Krumins, J. A., Z. T. Long, C. F. Steiner, and P. J. Morin. 2007. Food web diversity and

bacterial communities. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting. Glasgow, Scotland.


2014: The eradication of beach vitex from the coast of North Carolina. Pulling Together

Initiative, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. $58675.

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