Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

2014: How can we effectively prevent and manage invasions in stressful environments?

(Declined, National Science Foundation)

2013: The effect of plant and microbial diversity on the functioning of coastal dunes. Charles

L. Cahill Award. $2924

2013. CAREER: The effect of plant and microbial diversity on the functioning of coastal

dunes. (Declined, National Science Foundation)

2013: Causes and consequences of biodiverisy in hard-bottom food webs. Co PIs Z.T. Long

and D.W. Freshwater. (Declined, National Science Foundation).

2012: Canaries in the Coal Mine – Marine algal diversity of North Carolina hardbottoms. Co

PIs D.W. Freshwater and Z.T. Long. (Declined, National Science Foundation).

2011: Marine algal biodiversity of North Carolina hardbottoms. Co PIs D.W. Freshwater and

Z.T. Long. (Declined, National Science Foundation).

2011: Spatial and temporal dynamics of marine algae on North Carolina hardbottoms. Co PIs

Z.T. Long and D.W. Freshwater. ($34,949).

2011: “Acquisition of LI-COR 6400 ecophysiology package", University of North Carolina

Wilmington, ($49,900.00, Co-PIs Z. Long, Z., M. J. Durako, A. E. Stapleton).

2011: Long, Z., Grant, "LI-COR Environmental Education Fund Grant", LI-COR

Environmental Education Fund (Z. T. Long, $49,000.00).

2010: Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Linking microbial diversity to N2 and N2O

productions in eutrophic estuarine ecosystem. National Science Foundation. BK. Song, Z. T.

Long, C. R. Tobias. (Declined)

2010: Continuation of deer impact research at the Bald Head Woods Coastal Reserve during

2010-11. Village of Bald Head Island ($9590, Co-PIs J. Taggart and Z. T. Long).



Acta Zoologica, American Naturalist, American Midland Naturalist,

Community Ecology, Ecography, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Journal of

Animal Ecology, Journal of Applied Ecology, Oikos, National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Association, National Science Foundation, Proceedings of the

National Academy of Sciences.

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