Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

D. Ann Pabst
Curriculum Vita
1 October 2014

Department of Biology and Marine Biology Telephone: (910) 962- 7266
and Center for Marine Science FAX: (910)- 962 - 4066
University of North Carolina at Wilmington e-mail: [email protected]
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403

1984 - 1989 Ph.D., Zoology, Duke University (with Stephen A. Wainwright)
1978 - 1982 B.S., Zoology, University of Maryland

2002 - present Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology and Center for Marine Science,
University of North Carolina Wilmington
courses: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Marine Mammalogy; Biomechanics,
Marine Biology, PhD Core Course (team-taught)
2004 - 2010 Graduate Coordinator and Assistant Chair, Department of Biology and Marine Biology
2002 - 07; 2009 Adjunct Faculty, Old Dominion University
2001 - present Adjunct Scientist, Mote Marine Laboratory
1998 - 2002 Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Center for Marine Science,
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
courses: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Marine Mammalogy
1995 - 1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Center for Marine Science
Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
courses: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Marine Mammalogy
1991 - 1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, James Madison University.
courses: Biomechanics, Human Anatomy
August 1994 Visiting Instructor, School of the Environment,
1995, 1996 Duke University Marine Laboratory. co-taught: Marine Mammals
1989 - 1991 Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia
1987 - 1989 Cocos Training Grant in Morphology Fellow, Department of Zoology,
Duke University
1984 - 1986 Research Assistant, S.A. Wainwright, Department of Zoology,
Duke University
1983 - 1984 Coordinator, Marine Mammal Events Program,
A joint program with the Smithsonian Institution
and the Cousteau Society, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
1982 - 1983 Museum Technician, Marine Mammal Program,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

PUBLICATIONS (undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students with whom I have worked in bold)
Arthur, L. A., McLellan, W.A., Piscitelli, M. A., Rommel, S.A., Woodward, B.L., Winn, J.P., Potter, C.W. and D.
A. Pabst. Submitted. Estimating maximal force output of cetaceans using axial locomotor muscle morphology.
Marine Mammal Science.
Mallette, S. D., McLellan, W. A., Scharf, F. S., Koopman, H. N., Barco, S. G., Wells R. S., and D.A. Pabst.
Submitted. Ontogenetic allometry and body composition of the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops
truncatus) from the mid-Atlantic. Marine Mammal Science.
Thornton, S.W., McLellan, W.A.,Rommel, S.A., Dillaman, R.M., Nowacek, D.P., Koopman, H.N. and D.A. Pabst.
In Revision. Functional morphology of dorsal acoustic structures in pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima)
sperm whales. Anatomical Record.
McLellan, W.A., Arthur, L. A., Mallette, S.D., Thornton, S.W., McAlarney, R.J., Read, A.J., and D.A. Pabst.
Accepted. Longline hook testing in the mouths of pelagic odontocetes. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Read, A.J., Barco, S.B., Bell, J., Borchers, D.L., Burt, M.L., Cummings, E.W., Dunn, J., Fougeres, E.M., Hazen, L.,
Williams Hodge, L.E., Laura, A.M., McAlarney, R.J., Nilsson, P., Pabst, D.A., Paxton, C.G.M., Schneider,

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