Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

S.Z., Urian, K.W., Waples, D.M. and W.A. McLellan. Accepted. Occurrence, distribution and abundance of

cetaceans in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, USA. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management.

Balmer, B. C., R. S. Wells, L. H. Schwacke, J. H. Schwacke, B. Danielson, R. C. George, S. M. Lane, W. A.
McLellan, D. A. Pabst, K. Sparks, T. R. Speakman, F. I. Townsend, and E. S. Zolman. 2014. Integrating multiple
techniques to identify stock boundaries of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic
Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 24: 511- 521
Balmer, B.C., Wells R. S., Howle, L. E., Barleycorn, A. A., McLellan,, W. A., Pabst D. A., Rowles, T. K.,
Schwacke, L. H., Townsend, F. I., Westgate, A. J. and E. S. Zolman. 2014. Advances in cetacean telemetry: a review
of single-pin transmitter attachment techniques on small cetaceans. Marine Mammal Science. 30(2): 656–673.

Cummings, E.W., Pabst, D.A., Blum, J.E., Barco, S.G., Davis, S.J., Thayer, V.G., Adimey, N., and W.A. McLellan.

  1. Spatial and temporal patterns of habitat use and mortality of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus
    latirostris) in the Mid-Atlantic States of North Carolina and Virginia from 1991 to 2012. Aquatic Mammals.
    Staudinger, M.D., R. McAlarney, W. A. McLellan, and D.A. Pabst. 2014. Foraging ecology and niche segregation
    in pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (Kogia sima) sperm whales from waters of the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast.
    Marine Mammal Science. 30(2): 626–655.
    Velten, B.P., Dillaman, R. M., Kinsey, S. T., McLellan, W. A. and D. A. Pabst. 2013. Novel locomotor muscle
    design in extreme deep-diving whales. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216:1862-1871.
    Balmer, B. C., L. H. Schwacke, R. S. Wells, J. D. Adams, R. C. George, S. M. Lane, W. A. McLellan, P. E. Rosel,
    K. Sparks, T. Speakman, E. S. Zolman, and D. A. Pabst. 2013. Comparison of abundance and habitat usage for
    common bottlenose dolphins between sites exposed to differential anthropogenic stressors within the estuaries of
    southern Georgia, USA. Marine Mammal Science. 29(2):E114-E135.
    McLellan, W.A., Berman, M., Cole. T., Costidis, A., Knowlton, A., Neilson, J., Pabst, D., and Raverty, S. 2013.
    Blunt force trauma induced by vessel collisions with large whales. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 103:245-

  2. Costidis, A., Berman, M., Cole. T., Knowlton, A., McLellan, W. Neilson, J., Pabst, D., and Raverty, S. 2013.
    Sharp-trauma by vessel collisions with pinnipeds and cetaceans. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 103:251-256.
    Kielhorn, C.E., Dillaman, R.M., Kinsey, S.T., McLellan, W.A., Gay, D.M., Dearolf, J.L. and D.A. Pabst. 2013.
    Locomotor muscle profile of a deep (Kogia breviceps) versus shallow (Tursiops truncatus) diving cetacean. Journal
    of Morphology. 274:663–675.
    Bagge, L.E., Koopman, H. N., Rommel, S. A., McLellan, W. A., and D. A. Pabst. 2012. Lipid class and
    depth-specific thermal properties in the blubber of the short-finned pilot whale and the pygmy sperm whale.
    Journal of Experimental Biology. 215: 4330-4339.
    McClelland, S.J., Gay, M., Pabst, D.A., Dillaman R., Westgate, A.J. and H.N. Koopman. 2012. Microvascular
    patterns in the blubber of shallow and deep diving odontocetes. Journal of Morphology. 273(8):932-942. 2012.

Balmer B.C., Schwacke L.H., Wells R.S., George R.C., Hoguet, J., Kucklick J.R., Lane S.M., Martinez A.,
McLellan W.A., Rosel P.E., Rowles T.K., Sparks K., Speakman T., Zolman E.S., Pabst D.A. 2011. Relationship
between persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and ranging patterns in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) from coastal Georgia, USA. Science of the Total Environment. 409:2094-2101.

Schick R.S., Halpin P.N., Read A.J., Urban D.L., Best B.D., Good C.P., Roberts J.J., LaBrecque E.A., Dunn C.,
Garrison L.P., Hyrenbach K.D., McLellan W.A., Pabst D.A., Palka D.L., Stevick P. 2011. Community structure in
pelagic marine mammals at large spatial scales as revealed by multivariate ordination. Marine Ecology Progress
Series. 434: 165–181.
Foley, H.J., Holt, R.C., Hardee, R.E., Nilsson, P.B., Jackson, K.A., Read, A.J., Pabst, D.A. and W.A. McLellan.

  1. Observations of a western North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) birth offshore of the protected
    Southeast U.S. critical habitat. Marine Mammal Science. 27(3): E234–E240.
    Balmer, B. C., Wells, R. S., Schwacke, L. H., Rowles, T. K., Hunter, C., Zolman, E. S., Townsend, F. I., Danielson,
    B., Westgate, A. J., McLellan, W. A. and D. A. Pabst. 2011. Evaluation of a single-pin, satellite-linked transmitter
    deployed on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) along the coast of Georgia, U.S.A. Aquatic Mammals. 37:187-

  2. Yordy, J.E., Pabst, D.A., McLellan, W.A., Wells, R.S., Rowles, T., and J. Kucklick. 2010. Tissue-specific
    distribution and whole body burden estimates of persistent organic pollutants in the bottlenose dolphin
    (Tursiops truncatus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 29(6):1263-1273.
    Dunkin, R.C., McLellan, W.A., Blum, J. and D.A. Pabst. 2010. The buoyancy of the integument of Atlantic
    bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): Effects of growth, reproduction and nutritional state. Marine
    Mammal Science. 26(3):573-587.

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