Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


the sort totally lacking in capitalism – where not a single
capitalist business or corporation is co-governed by its
workers and employees, where not a single manager or
chief executive is elected or accountable to those workers
and employees. On the other hand these economically
undemocratic or even despotic capitalist corporations
wield, as ‘interest groups’ and ‘lobbies’, more effective
power and influence than voters in the actual operations
of political democracies and democratic politics.
In a true theocracy, the ruling priests and teachers,
sages and seers are revered for their demonstrable
knowledge and wisdom – not simply because they are
voted into power through elections. As for democracy
on the grass-roots level of the economy – the workplace

  • these need to be participatory and not merely electoral
    democracies. Socialist theocracy combines participatory
    economic democracy in the workplace with spiritual
    knowledge and leadership at the highest levels of the
    state and its institutions.
    Today there is no such thing as a non-theocratic state

  • a state not ruled by an explicit or implicit ‘god-
    concept’. Instead, every state is ‘theocratic’ – whether its
    ruling god-concept be Jahweh, Allah or Mammon;
    whether its prophets be Moses or Jesus, Mohammed,
    Darwin or Adam Smith; whether it be founded on the
    fundamentalist dogmas of monotheist religions, market
    economics or modern science and whether its high-

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