Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

priests are corporate managers, Islamic mullahs, Zionist
zealots, or Christian missionaries.
Nazism and Stalinism too, were theocracies –
divinising the Nation and its Great Leader and
combining materialist science with militarism and
industrial feudalism or forced labour. Hitler’s ‘religion’
was not some archaic form of Teutonic neo-paganism
but biologism – supposedly ‘scientific’ medicine and
genetics. His principal individual, social and political
ideology was a form of ‘New Age’ health fanaticism –
not only promoting vegetarianism and leading the first
nationwide anti-smoking campaigns, but seeing Jews,
gypsies and the ‘mentally ill’ as a dangerous genetic
strain, infectious bacillus or tumourus cancer –
threatening the ‘wellness’ not only of the individual but
of the ‘Volk’. His high priests were not the esotericist
elite of Himmler’s S.S. but renowned geneticists,
physicians and psychiatrists.
To repeat – today there is no such thing as a non-
theocratic state. Yet the grave civilisational crises we face
today – economic, educational, ecological and cultural –
cannot be seen as a result of a ‘clash of civilisations’ with
their differing values and God-concepts. Instead this
very clash is the result of an attempt to impose on the
world a single religious monoculture – that based on the
religion of capitalism – ‘the monotheism of money’ and
its counterpart, the ‘polytheism’ of countless material

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