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(singke) #1

between Language as such and pluriform languages,
including ‘sacred’ languages, parallels the distinction
between Consciousness as such (pure awareness or Chit)
and pluriform individual consciousnesses that became so
central to Indian thought. It also parallels Max Müller’s
distinction between Religion as such (understood as an
innate religiosity or intuitive feeling sense of the divine) and
specific, pluriform religions, together with his recognition
that Religion as such – like Language as such – is the a priori
condition for the evolution and diversification of specific
religions and languages. This parallels the Indian
philosophical recognition that Consciousness or
‘Subjectivity’ as such – understood as identical with the
Divine – is the precondition for all individualised
‘consciousnesses’ or ‘subjects’.

Uniting the Indic and German Traditions

Today, the attempt to explain individual consciousness
or ‘mind’ in terms of new quantum-physical theories has
become the last-ditch ‘scientific’ defence against the rebirth
of a metaphysical understanding of consciousness itself as
that ultimate and universal reality it was recognised to be in
the most refined schools of Hindu yogic and religious
philosophy. This last-ditch defence of physics is wholly
undermined and overcome by what I call ‘The Awareness
Principle’ and its practice – ‘The New Yoga of Awareness’

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