Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


  • which, by drawing on the language and lineage of
    German thought^3 , has succeeded in forging a new body of
    knowledge, one which is the self-conscious vessel for the
    reincarnation of the very soul of the Hindu religious
    tradition known as Kashmir Shaivism’. The New Yoga not
    only refines and evolves the basic recognitions upon which
    the traditional Hindu scriptures of Kashmir Shaivism are
    founded^4 – namely that the atman itself is identical with the
    light of that universal awareness (chit, chaitanya) that is Shiva

  • a light without which no suns and no phenomena of
    physical nature could be perceived, and no physical
    concepts of light ‘energy’ or ‘quanta’ could arise within
    awareness^5. The New Yoga also integrates those two
    linguistically parallel recognitions that constitute the
    culmination of the Indian and Germanic traditions
    respectively – as lineages of thought:

  1. The culminating recognition of the Germanic tradition
    that “Being is not a being” (Martin Heidegger) and thus
    irreducible to a supreme God-being, and individual
    being of any sort or a set or sum of such beings.

  2. The culminating recognition of the Indic tradition that
    ‘Consciousness is not ‘a’ consciousness’ – that it is not
    reducible to a set of individual ‘consciousnesses’,
    ‘minds’ or to the property of an individual self or
    subject, ego or ‘I’.

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