Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


This body seemed to beyond-itself, each cell a whirling
breathing, like an ever new little universe of its own –

Feeling myself as space itself, sides and directions of
space were all one – there was 'as much' of a ‘in-front’
space as was there was behind, no less a down than an up. I
could say it was all-round circling space – therefore free of
sides – but for me it seemed there as this space had no
‘form’ any more at all – not even a circling form. I see it is
hard for me to find the right words – but I was also seeing
this ongoing forming of things as signs or linga in the way you
refer to – when a chair is not chair – but more like a
continuous chair-ing?! No fixed forms to see as such,
neither as space, nor as 'objects' in it.

In this way I came to see Shiva’s murti too, lose its
material density and melt into one form-ing along with the
room, with me, with the wall – with no more objects
simply standing around besides or separate from each other

  • but with their differencing nature continuing to presence.
    All felt as if it were floating as and within a warm subtly
    whitish light – in which differing colours softened their
    boundaries of red and blue and became like one 'melody' of
    colour, yellow and green being one 'tone' – and no more
    colours separate. This space and everything in it as a wave

  • breathing-rainbowed light.

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