Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1

asthma , 515
CF , 548
CFS , 455
colorectal cancer , 338
GxE interactions , 23
Huntington disease , 424
lung function and ancestry , 511
rheumatoid arthritis , 554
Environment-wide association studies
(EWAS) , 182
Enzymatic mutation detection (EMD) , 39–40
Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) , 537,
538, 544
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ,
223, 225, 227, 299, 347
Epigenomics , 183–184, 412–413
antiepileptic drugs , 425, 429
biomarkers , 426–427
drug resistance in , 431–433
future prospects , 433–435
genetics/genomics of , 427–428
pharmacogenetics , 431
pharmacogenomics , 429–430
Epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC) , 318, 319
Epizyme Inc , 259
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection , 248
Esophageal cancer , 337
Estramustine phosphate (EMP) , 364
Estrogen receptor 1 gene (ESR1) , 581
gene patents , 663–664
genetic information
direct-to-consumer genetic services ,
genotype-specifi c clinical trials , 659–660
GINA , 659
privacy issues , 658–659
whole genome analysis , 656–657
pharmacogenetics , 655–656
race and , 660–663
social issues , 660
EuroCHAVI project , 390
European Personalized Medicine Diagnostics
Association (EPEMED) ,
European Union (EU), personalized medicine
2004 consumer survey , 647
developing countries , 650–651
EPEMED , 647–648
Germany , 649
INCPM , 650
UK national health service and medical
genetics , 648–649

Evaluation of Genomic Applications in
Practice and Prevention (EGAPP) ,
608–609, 614
Evidence-based medicine , 21
Evidence-Based Practice Centers (EPCs) , 606
Extracellular domain (ECD) , 220

Factor V Leiden mutation , 502–503
FANG™ vaccine , 242, 252
FDA. See Food and drug administration (FDA)
Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) , 571–572
Fiber array scanning technology (FAST) , 298
Ficlatuzumab , 348
FISH-on-chip technology , 56–57
Fixed paraffi n-embedded tissues (FPET) , 225
Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS)
techniques , 161
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) ,
208, 531
5-Fluoro-2-deoxyuridine monophosphate
(5-FdUMP) , 267–268
Follicular lymphoma , 242–243, 336
Food and drug administration (FDA)
biomarkers validation , 669, 671
Clinical Proteomics Program , 613
companion diagnostics and therapies ,
multivariate index assays , 672–674
and NIH , 610
pharmacogenetics , 666
and pharmacogenomics
data submissions , 667–668
drug-dosing , 669
drug labels , 668–670
European drug regulators , 668
and predictive medicine , 671–672
product development and use , 666
Frequentist approach , 95–96, 593
Fungal infections , 405

Gabapentin , 595
Gastric cancer , 337–338
Gastrointestinal cancer
colorectal cancer ( see Colorectal
cancer (CRC))
esophageal cancer , 337
gastric cancer , 337–338
Gastrointestinal disorders
infl ammatory bowel disease , 566–567
lactose intolerance , 568


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