Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) ,
215, 226
Gaucher’s disease , 538
GBM. See Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
Gemcitabine , 224, 230, 359–360
Gene by environment (GxE) interactions , 23
GeneClinics , 24
Gene-expression profi ling (GEP) , 299–300, 333
B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia , 209
chromosomal instability, tumors , 210
molecular diagnostics
biopsy samples , 79
DNA microarrays , 77–78
methods for , 76
molecular imaging , 81
RNA splicing , 78–79
SAGE technology , 80–81
single-cell gene expression, analysis
of , 78
transcription , 75
white blood cells , 79–80
MUC1 and AZGP1 staining , 209
OnkoMatch™ tumor genotyping , 210
p53 mutations , 208
ZAP-70 gene , 209
Genelyzer , 404
Gene Network Sciences (GNS) , 279
GenePING , 640
Gene Profi ling Array , 48
GeneSight ® technology , 464
Gene therapy , 193–194, 595
Genetic disorders
biomarkers for
Down’s syndrome , 534–535
LSDs , 537–538
muscular dystrophy , 535–536
phenylketonuria , 536
psoriasis , 536–537
conventional genetic screening, limitations
of , 529–530
cystic fi brosis ( see Cystic fi brosis (CF))
genome sequencing in
cfDNA testing , 539–540
DDD project , 540–541
GWAS , 542–543
Miller syndrome , 543
in newborns , 540–541
NGS, applications of , 539
whole-exome sequencing , 539
molecular diagnostics
advantages of , 530
CGH , 532
cytogenetics , 530–531
FISH with probes , 531

limitations of , 530
multiplex PCR, genomic
rearrangements , 533
mutation detection technologies , 533–534
ROMA , 532–533
scFISH probes , 531–532
personalized cell and gene therapies
DMD , 544–547
Hurler’s syndrome , 544
SCA, stem cells transplant , 543–544
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
(GINA) , 656
brain cancer management , 281–282
cardiovascular disorders ( see
Cardiovascular disorders)
CGD , 24
databases , 23–24
DNA sequences and structure , 9
epidemiology , 25
of epilepsy , 427–428
ethical aspects of ( see Ethics)
gene expression , 8–9
genetic code , 8
genetic medicine , 21–22
GxE interactions , 23
human disease and genes , 22
human genome ( see Human genome)
limitations , 25
Genetics and Public Policy Center (GPPC) , 678
Genetic testing
disease predisposition
direct-to-consumer genetic services , 87
mitochondrial disease , 87
hair loss management , 570
healthcare, equality of , 703
Huntington disease , 425
long-term behavioral effects of , 698
prospects and limitations of , 701–702
skin care , 569–570
SNP, limitations of , 69
Genetic Testing Registry (GTR) , 610–611
GeneVa™ , 14
Genome-Environment-Trait Evidence
(GET-Evidence) system , 44, 693
1000 Genomes Project , 72, 695–696
Genome-wide association (GWA) , 170
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) , 23,
72–73, 182, 542–543, 694–695, 707
Genomic Cancer Care Alliance , 367
Genomic Messaging System (GMS) , 639–640
advances in , 706–707
antibiotic resistance , 384

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