Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Metabolomics (cont.)
lipid profi ling , 173
urinary profi ling, capillary
electrophoresis , 172–173
defi nition , 169
genotype and phenotype , 170–171
HMDB database , 169–170
neurometabolomics , 417
nutrition , 176
pharmacometabonomics , 174–175
toxicology , 175–176
Metabonomics. See Metabolomics
MetaStat™ , 312–313
Metastatic triple negative breast cancer
(mTNBC) , 315, 316
Methotrexate (MTX) , 94, 555
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
(MTHFR) , 365, 464, 582
Methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) , 281
MeTree , 617
MIAs. See Multivariate index assays (MIAs)
bladder cancer , 204
breast cancer , 204–205
molecular diagnostics ( see Molecular
SNP ( see Single nucleotide polymorphisms
Microfl uidics
advantages of , 56
applications of , 56
FISH-on-chip technology , 56–57
LabCD , 58
LabChip , 57
lab-on-a-chip devices , 57
multitarget therapeutics , 436–437
pharmacogenomics of , 435–436
triptans , 436
Millennium Development Goals (MDG) , 158
Miller syndrome , 543
Minimal residual disease (MRD) , 207–208,
328, 329
MiSeqDx , 157, 203
Mitochondrial disease , 87
Mitochondrial SNPs (mtSNPs) , 68–69
MitoDx™ test , 87
MM. See Multiple myeloma (MM)
Molecular biology
chromosomes , 7–8
DNA sequences and structure , 9
gene expression , 8–9

genetic code , 8
human disease, genomic model , 17–18
human genome ( see Human genome)
Molecular diagnostics
advances in , 87–88
biochips/microarray technology
AmpliChip CYP450 , 49–50
applications of , 45–46
Arrayit ® H25K , 49
biosensors , 52–53
defi nition , 44
Gene Profi ling Array , 48
improving and standardizing , 50
microfl uidics ( see Microfl uidics)
Optical Mapping™ , 51
PCR biochip technology , 47–48
protein biochips ( see Protein biochips)
role of , 45
brain cancer ( see Brain cancer
breast cancer ( see Breast cancer
cancer therapy ( see Cancer therapy)
CNV detection
CNVer algorithm for , 71
digital array for , 71
discovery and genotyping, CNVnator ,
GWAS , 70
defi nition , 18
diagnostics and therapeutics, combination of
clinical trials, stratifi cation in , 82
companion diagnostics , 83–84
disease predisposition, genetic testing for
direct-to-consumer genetic services , 87
mitochondrial disease , 87
DNA sequence analysis
Personal Genome Project , 44
RNA sequencing , 42
role of , 40, 41
whole exome sequencing , 42–43
whole genome sequencing , 40–41
gene expression profi ling
biopsy samples , 79
DNA microarrays , 77–78
methods for , 76
molecular imaging , 81
RNA splicing , 78–79
SAGE technology , 80–81
single-cell gene expression, analysis
of , 78
transcription , 75
white blood cells , 79–80

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