Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1

in genetic disorders
advantages of , 530
CGH , 532
cytogenetics , 530–531
FISH with probes , 531
limitations of , 530
multiplex PCR, genomic
rearrangements , 533
mutation detection technologies ,
ROMA , 532–533
scFISH probes , 531–532
GWAS , 72–73
molecular imaging , 37, 81–82
nanobiotechnology in
cantilevers , 186
therapeutics design and monitoring ,
non-PCR methods , 36
APEX , 39
EMD , 39–40
PCR-based methods , 36
DHPLC , 38
DirectLinear™ analysis , 37
MASDA , 38
real-time PCR reaction, CNVs , 39
RFLM , 38–39
ROMA , 38
pharmacogenetics , 100–101
POC diagnosis ( see Point-of-care (POC)
proteomics, application of
2DGE , 74
2D PAGE and mass spectrometry , 75
vs. genomic approaches , 75–76
mass spectrometry (MS) , 74–75
messenger RNA (mRNA) level , 73
SNP genotyping ( see Single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNP))
Molecular imaging
cancer therapy
advantages of , 217
FDG-PET/CT role , 215–216
gallium corrole , 216
IGDD , 216
MRI functional diffusion , 214–215
CNS drug development , 601–602
commercial development of , 602–603
monitoring in vivo gene expression , 81
oncology, drug development in , 599–601
and personalized medicine , 81–82
PET , 598–599
Molecular imaging and diagnostics (MID) , 602
Molecular inversion probe (MIP) , 67

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) , 190,
234–235, 418
Mount Sinai Medical Center , 621
MS. See Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) , 537–538
Multi-biomarker disease activity (MBDA) , 556
Multidrug resistance (MDR) , 272–273
Multiple myeloma (MM) , 56, 332–333
Multiple sclerosis (MS) , 601
bone marrow stem cell therapy , 443
fusokine method , 444
genetic factors , 440
genome-wide association studies , 441
IFN-β therapy , 444–446
immunopathological patterns,
demyelination , 442
in vitro and ex vivo RNA expression
profi les , 440
mitoxantrone therapy , 442–443
MRI , 441
neuroprotection , 441
pharmacogenetic approach , 441–442
T cells receptors , 440
Tcelna ® , 445
Multiplex allele-specifi c diagnostic assay
(MASDA) , 38, 534
MultiPlex Initiative , 631, 687
Multiplex ligation dependent probe
amplifi cation (MLPA) assay , 289
Multiplex microarray-enhanced PCR
(MME-PCR) , 48
Multivariate index assays (MIAs) , 319,
MutSig tool , 205
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) , 232, 334
Myocardial infarction (MI) , 480, 489, 500
My Prognostic Risk Signature™
(MyPRS™) , 333
MyVax ® , 242–243, 252

NADH dehydrogenase Fe-S protein 1
(NDUFS1) , 69
cancer management , 256–257
cardiovascular diseases , 505–506
in molecular diagnostics
cantilevers , 186
therapeutics design and monitoring ,
NanoChip ® Electronic Microarray , 64
NanoFlares , 212
National Biobanking Initiative , 603


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