Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization

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N. Benz and Th. Kuckelkorn, “A New Receiver for Parabolic Trough Collectors,” 12th Int.
Symp. Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, Oaxaca, Mexico (Oct. 2004).

A. Berman and M. Epstein, “Ruthenium Catalysts for High Temperature Solar Reforming of
Methane,” HYPOTHESIS II Symp. Hydrogen Power: Theoretical and Engineering Solutions,
Grimstad, Norway, Aug. 18–22, 1997, pp. 213–218. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht

R. Bertocchi, J. Karni, and A. Kribus, “Experimental Evaluation of a Non-isothermal High
Temperature Solar Particle Receiver,” Energy 29 (5–6), 687–700 (2004).

E.J. Brown, P.F. Baldasaro, S.R. Burger, L.R. Danielson, D.M. DePoy, G.J. Nichols, and
W.F. Topper, “The Status of Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion Technology at Lockheed
Martin Corporation,” presented at Space Technology and Applications International Forum
(STAIF), Albuquerque, N.M. (Feb. 2–5, 2003).

G. Chen, M.S. Dresselhaus, J.-P. Fleurial, and T. Caillat, “Recent Developments in
Thermoelectric Materials,” Int. Mater. Rev. 48 , 45–66 (Feb. 2003).

J.K. Dahl, W.B. Krantz, and A.W. Weimer, “Sensitivity Analysis of the Rapid Decomposition of
Methane in an Aerosol Flow Reactor,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 29 (1), 57–65 (2004).

R.S. DiMatteo, P. Grei, S.L. Finberg, K. Young-Waithe, H.K.H. Choy, M.M. Masaki, and C.G.
Fonstad, “Enhanced Photogeneration of Carriers in a Semiconductor via Coupling across a
Nonisothermal Nanoscale Vacuum Gap,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 , 1894–1896 (2001).

V. Diaz, J.L. Alvarez, J. Alonso, A. Luque, and C. Mateos, “Towards a Technology for Mass
Production of Very High Concentration Flat Panels,” 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Conf., Paris, France (June 2004).

Th. Fend, O. Reutter, R. Pitz-Paal, B. Hoffschmidt, and J. Bauer, “Two Novel High Porosity
Materials as Volumetric Receivers for Concentrated Solar Radiation,” Solar Energy Mater. Solar
Cells 84 (1–4), 291–304 (2004).

E.A. Fletcher and R.L. Moen, “Hydrogen and Oxygen from Water,” Science 197 , 1050–1056

L. Fraas and B. McConnell, “High Power Density Photovoltaics,” Renewable Energy World,
5 (5), 99-105 (2002).

J.J. Greffet, R. Carminati, K. Joulain, J.P. Mulet, S. Mainguy, and Y. Chen, “Coherent Emission
of Light by Thermal Sources,” Nature 416 , 61–64 (2002).

T.C. Harman, P.J. Taylor, M.P. Walsh, and B.E. LaForge, “Quantum Dot Superlattice
Thermoelectric Materials and Devices,” Science 297 , 2229 (2002).

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