Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization

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U. Herrmann, F. Graeter, and P. Nava, “Performance of the SKAL-ET Collector Loop at KJC
Operating Company,” 12th Int. Symp. Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, Oaxaca,
Mexico (Oct. 2004).

K.F. Hsu, S. Loo, W. Chen, J.S. Dyck, C. Uher, T. Hogan, E.K. Polychroniadis, and
M.G. Kanatzidis, “Cubic AgPbSbTe Bulk Thermoelectric Materials with High Figure of Merit,”
Science 303 , 818–821 (2004).

J. Karni, A. Kribus, R. Rubin, P. Doron, A. Fiterman, and D. Sagie, “The DIAPR: A High-
pressure, High-temperature Solar Receiver,” ASME J. Solar Energy Eng. 119 (1), 74–78 (1997).

J. Karni, A. Kribus, R. Rubin, and P. Doron, “The Porcupine: a Novel High-flux Absorber for
Volumetric Solar Receivers,” J. Solar Energy Eng. 120 , 85–95 (1998).

D. Laing, W.D. Steinmann, R. Tamme, and C. Richter, “Solid Media Thermal Storage for
Parabolic Trough Power Plants,” 12th Int. Symp. Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems,
Oaxaca, Mexico (Oct. 2004).

J. Lasich, Solar Systems Pty. Ltd., personal communication (2004).

D. Mills, P. Le Lievre, and G.L. Morrison, “Lower Temperature Approach for Very Large Solar
Power Plants,” 12th Int. Symp. Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, Oaxaca, Mexico
(Oct. 2004).

S. Möller, R. Buck, R. Tamme, M. Epstein, D. Liebermann, M. Meri, U. Fisher, A. Rotstein, and
C. Sugarmen, “Solar Production of Syngas for Electricity Generation: SOLASYS Project Test-
phase,” 11th Int. Symp. Concentrated Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies, Zurich,
Switzerland, Sept. 4–6, 231–237 (2002).

J.P. Murray, A. Steinfeld, and E.A. Fletcher, “Metals, Nitrides and Carbides via Solar
Carbothermal Reduction of Metal Oxides,” Energy — The Int. J. 20 , 695–704 (1995).

T. Osinga, U. Frommherz, A. Steinfeld, and C. Wieckert, “Experimental Investigation of the
Solar Carbothermic Reduction of ZnO Using a Two-cavity Solar Reactor,” ASME J. Solar
Energy Eng. 126 , 633–637 (2004).

R.E. Nelson, “A Brief History of Thermophotovoltaic Development,” Semicond. Sci. Technol.
18 , S141–143 (2003).

H. Price, E. Lupfert, D. Kearney, E. Zarza, G. Cohen, R. Gee, and R. Mahoney, “Advances in
Parabolic Trough Solar Power Technology,” ASME J. Solar Energy Eng. 124 , 109–125 (2002).

H. Ries, A. Segal, and J. Karni, “Extracting Concentrated Guided Light,” Appl. Optics/Optical
Technol. Biomed. Optics 36 (13), 2869–2874 (1997a).

H. Ries, J.M. Gordon, and M. Lasken, “High-flux Photovoltaic Solar Concentration with
Kaleidoscope-based Optical Designs,” Solar Energy 60 , 11–16 (1997b).

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