Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization

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R.A. Sherif, H.L. Cotal, R.R. King, A. Paredes, N.H. Karam, G.S. Glenn, D. Kurt,
A. Lewandowski, C. Bingham, K. Emery, M. Symko-Davies, J. Kiehl, S. Kusek, and H. Hayden,
“The Performance and Robustness of GaInP/InGaAs/Ge Concentrator Solar Cells in High
Concentration Terrestrial Modules,” 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Paris,
France (June 2004).

A. Steinfeld and R. Palumbo, “Solar Thermochemical Process Technology,” in Encyclopedia of
Physical Science and Technology, R.A. Meyers (Ed.), Academic Press 15 , 237–256 (2001).

R. Tamme, D. Laing, and W.D. Steinmann, “Advanced Thermal Energy Storage Technology for
Parabolic Trough,” ASME J. Solar Energy Eng. 126, 794 (2004).

R. Venkatasubramanian, E. Silvona, T. Colpitts, and B. O’Quinn, “Thin-film Thermoelectric
Devices with High Room-temperature Figures of Merit,” Nature 413 , 597–602 (2001).

W.T. Welford and R. Winston, High Collection Nonimaging Optics, ISBN: 0127428852,
Academic Press (1989).

C. Wieckert, R. Palumbo, and U. Frommherz, “Solar Reduction of ZnO with Solid Carbon
Materials: Investigation on 5–10 kW Scale,” Energy — The Int J. 29 , 771–787 (2004).

C.J. Winter, R.L. Sizmann, and L.L. Vant-Hull (Eds.), Solar Power Plants, Springer-Verlag

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