(Marcin) #1
 Onset & elimination: slow elimination, long duration of action; half
life 19 hours
 Metabolism: hepatic metabolism. metabolite is morphine
 Precautions:
o prolonged QT syndrome, torsades de pointes
o Respiratory depressant effects occur after analgesic

  1. Codeine [13]
     Clinical effects: inactive until metabolized in liver by cytochrome
    P450 2D6 into morphine. It has unpredictable effects in patients
    with liver failure.
     Dosing 0.5-1mg/kg q3-4 hours
     Current FDA warning in children after tonsillectomy and
    adenoidectomy. Children with ultra-rapid metabolism for this drug
    can have higher than normal doses of converted morphine in their
     10% of children are poor metabolizers and will experience less

  2. Hydromorphone [6]
     No active metabolites. Five times more potent than morphine.
     Dosing 0.01-0.03mg/kg q2 hours

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