(Marcin) #1

institutional protocols. In difficult cases, further assistance from pain treatment
services may be helpful in guiding sedation and analgesia regimens.


  1. Cote CJ, Wilson S, et al. Guidelines for monitoring and management of
    pediatric patients during and after sedation for diagnostic and therapeutic
    procedures: an update. Pediatrics. 2006. 118(6): 2587-2602.

  2. Vitali SH, Camerota AJ, Arnold JA. Anesthesia and analgesia in the
    neonate. Chapter 57 in Avery’s Neonatology. 6th edition. Ed MacDonald MG,
    Seshia MM, Mullett MD. 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia, PA.
    1557 - 1567.

  3. Anand KJ, Willson DF, Berger J, et al. Tolerance and withdrawal from
    prolonged opioid use in critically ill children. Pediatrics. 2010; 125(5): e1208-

  4. Deeter KH, King MA, Ridling D, et al. Successful implementation of a
    pediatric sedation protocol for mechanically ventilated patients. Critical Care
    Med 2011. 39(4): 683-688.

  5. Poss WB. Analgesia and sedation and the use of neuromuscular blocking
    agents. Pediatric Multiprofessional Critical Care Review. Shanley TP ed. 2008.
    249 - 254.

  6. Lundeberg S, Lonnqvist P. Update on systemic postoperative analgesia in
    children. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2004. 14: 394-397.

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