Cliffs AP Chemistry, 3rd Edition

(singke) #1
mks meter-kilogram-second
mL milliliter
mm millimeter
mm^2 square millimeter
mm^3 cubic millimeter
mp melting point
mph miles per hour
N normality as 1N
n index of refraction; neutron (component of atomic nucleus)
oz ounce
ppt precipitate
p sol partly soluble
Q energy of nuclear reaction
qt quart
q.v. which see
R roentgen (international unit for x-rays)
satd saturated
s second
sin sine
sol’n solution
sp specific
sp gr specific
sp ht specific heat, Cp
sq square
T temperature
t time
tan tangent
V volt
W watt
Wh watt-hour
yr year
+ plus; add; positive
− minus; subtract; negative

Part V: Appendixes

8684-X AppA.F 2/9/01 8:28 AM Page 388

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