Cliffs AP Chemistry, 3rd Edition

(singke) #1
± plus or minus; positive or negative
×or ⋅ times. multiplied by
÷or / is divided by
= or : : is equals; as
≈ is identical to; congruent with
≠ is not identical
> is greater than
< is less than
≥ is equal to or greater than
≤ is equal to or less than
: is ratio of
varies as (is proportional to)

is square root of a
a^2 asquared, the second power of a; a ×a
a^3 acubed, the third power of a; a×a×a
a-1 is 1/a (reciprocal of a)
a-2 is 1/a^2 (reciprocal of a^2 )
Σ summation of
∆ difference in
k a mathematical constant
π the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter;
roughly equal to 3.1416

Appendix A: Commonly Used Abbreviations, Signs, and Symbols

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