Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1
pv vapor pressure (Pa)
Q volume flow rate (m^3 ?s^1 )
q amount of heat (J)
R gas constant (8:315 J?K^1 ?mol^1 )
radius; radius of curvature; radial coordinate (m)
r radius; radial coordinate (m)
rg radius of gyration (m)
rm root-mean-square end-to-end distance of
polymer chain


S entropy
Sn n-th moment of a (size) distribution
s solubility (mol?m^3 )
T absolute temperature (K)
Tg glass transition temperature (K)
t time (s)
t0.5 time needed to halve the value of a parameter (s)
U internal energy
u eddy velocity (m?s^1 )
V volume (m^3 )
colloidal interaction free energy (J; J?m^2 )
v droplet volume (m^3 )
linear velocity (m?s^1 )
molar volume (m^3 ?mol^1 )
W retardation factor in aggregation, etc. (–)
(specific) work
w mass fraction of water (–)
w^0 kg water per kg dry matter (–)
x mole fraction (–)
x,y,z linear coordinates (m)
z valence; net number of charges


a angle (rad)
capture efficiency (in aggregation) (–)
degree of ionization (–)
b excluded volume parameter (–)
supersaturation ratio (–)
G surface excess (surface load) (mol?m^2 ;kg?m^2 )
g activity coefficient (–)
interfacial or surface tension (N?m^1 )
shear strain (–)
g+ free ion activity coefficient (–)
D root-mean-square displacement in diffusion (m)
d film or layer thickness (m)
phase angle (tand¼G^00 /G^0 ) (rad)
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