Acoustical Modeling and Auralization 233
composite data for a wide segment of the test results.
Another issue of concern when using headphone repro-
duction is that the apparent source location will move
with the listener’s head movements, something that
does not take place in the real world. Multichannel Reproduction Using Loudspeakers
In this instance, the impulse response of the room is
divided into components that correspond to the general
locations in space from where the reflections originate
as shown in Fig. 9-26. Various systems have been
developed30,31 throughout the years ranging from just a
few speakers to hundreds of units driven by dozens of
separate channels. The advantage of the technique is
that the system relies on the listener’s own HRTF while
also allowing for head tracking effects. From the per-
spective of efficiency the approach can be implemented
with minimal hardware and software since the reflec-
tions can be categorized in terms of their direction of
arrival while the IR is being generated. The multichan-
nel reproduction technique can actually be imple-
mented from a physical scale model without the need
for computer tools by using delay lines and an analog
matrix system.^1 The reproduction system is, of course,
rather complicated since it requires substantial hardware
and an anechoic environment.
9.3.3 Real-Time Auralization and Virtual Reality
A real-time auralization system allows the user to actu-
ally move within the room and to hear the resulting
changes in the sound as they actually happen. This
approach requires the near-instantaneous computation
of the impulse response so that all parameters pertaining
to the direct sound and to the reflections can be com-
puted. In a recent implementation^32 the space is mod-
eled using an enhanced image method approach in
which a fast ray-tracing preprocessing step is taken to
check the visibility of the reflections at the receiver
location. The air absorption and the properties of the
surface materials are modeled using efficient digital fil-
ters, and the late reverberation is described using tech-
niques that give a smooth and dense reflection pattern
Figure 9-22. The basic auralization process.
Impulse response reflectograms
Reflectogram at 16 kHz
Reflectogram at 2 kHz
Reflectogram at 500 Hz
Reflectogram at 250 Hz
Reflectogram at 125 Hz
Anechoic music sample
Convolution engine (software
and/or hardware)
Reflectogram at 1 kHz
Figure 9-23. An example of a complete reflectogram at
1000 Hz.
Direct sound
Discrete reflections (early and late)
Late reverberation
80 dB
60 dB
40 dB
20 dB
0 ms 200 ms Time