Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

136 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

discrepancies. As, little by little, the New Testament
writings broke away from the rest of early Christian lit­
erature, and came to be regarded as Holy Scripture, so
the copiers became more and more hesitant about tak­
ing the same liberties as their predecessors: they thought
they were copying the authentic text, but in fact wrote
down the variations. Finally, a copier sometimes wrote
annotations in the margin to explain an obscure pas­
sage. The following copier, thinking that the sentence
he found in the margin had been left out of the passage
by his predecessor, thought it necessary to include the
margin notes in the text. This process often made the
new text even more obscure.'

The scribes ofsornemanuscriptssometimes took exceed­
ingly great liberties with the texts. This is the case of
one of the most venerable manuscripts after the two re­
ferred to above, the Sixth century Codex Bezae Cantabrigi­
ensis. The scribeprobablynoticed the differencebetween
Luke's and Matthew's genealogy of Jesus, so he put
Matthew's genealogy into his copy of Luke, but as the
second contained fewer names than the first, he pad­
ded it out with extra names (without however balane­
ing them up),
Is it possible to say that the Latin translations, such
as Saint Jerome's Sixth century Vulgate, or older trans­
lations (Vetus Itala), or Syriac and Coptic translations
are any more faithful than the basic Greek manuscripts?
They might have been made from manuscripts older
than the ones referred to above and subsequently lost
to the present day. Wejust do not know. 10

The truth of the matter is that there are no complete pre-Council of
Nicea manuscripts of any of the writings contained in the New Tes­
tamentextant today - nor of the Gospel of Barnabas for that matter ­
or if there are, then whoever has them has been keeping very quiet
about them for a good many centuries, and probably for not the
right reasons.
It must be emphasised therefore that the contents of the earliest
Greek manuscripts of the four officially accepted Gospels are in
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