Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Trinitarian Christianity in Europe 155

Itis also perhaps only right that the monarchs of England have
now finally agreed to pay income tax - much of which is now
needed to service the national debt which was first instituted by
King William of Orange, and which as a result of the compound
interest legalised by King Henry vm has continued to spiral up­
wards in ever increasing circles ever since!
It is also interesting to note that it was during the period of the
Reformation that the European Christians -both Trinitarian and
Unitarian, and both Roman Catholic and Protestant - began to ex­
pand out of Europe and re-form on foreign soil and in the midst of
different cultures. They could not go very far overland, for their
way both to the East and to the South was blocked by the Muslims,
and so they went by sea, converting as many people as they could
as and wherever they went.
As Islam continued to expand, with many ofthe Unitarian Chris­
tians who encountered it becoming Muslims, a grand strategy ­
which was to be implemented principally by the Trinitarian Chris­
tians and financed primarilyby theEuropeanJews (many ofwhom
were descended from the Khazar Jews and accordingly, like the
European Christians, no longer descended from the twelve tribes
of the Tribe of Israel) -was formulated to attack the Muslims both
from the East and the West in a global pincer movement.
It was hoped that it would be possible to join forces with a leg­
endary Indian Christian king and, with his aid, to conquer the whole
world. In his efforts to reach India the long way round, Columbus
,discovered' America, approximately two centuries after Muslims
from West Africa had already settled there, while Vasco da Gama
1 discovered' a new sea route to India via the Cape of Good Hope.
Both of these discoveries turned out to be very profitable ventures
financially. The European Christi ans did not discover their legen­
dary king, nor did they eliminate Islam, but along with the Euro­
pean [ews they colonised much of the world - including eventu­
ally Palestine, which the European Khazar Jews successfully
claimed as their long lost 'homeland' even though they were 'turkic'
and not 'semitic' and in fad originated from the Caucasus - and as
a result their respective leaders and merchants and bankers be­
came very wealthy.
Thus the conflid between the Roman Catholics and the Protes­
tants - and, from time to time, whenever a fresh Unitarian Chris­
tian movement emerged, the conflid between the Trinitarians and

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