Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

156 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

the Unitarians - continued to be played out, only now on a world
stage, with each 'side' united in their opposition to and depend­
ence on the financial services of the European Jews, and with each
'side' united in their attempts to subvert the Muslims, and with
each 'side' still involved in an ideological war for both political as
well as doctrinal supremacy.
By the beginning of the 19th century AD, any meaningful con­
nection between the Christians (whether Trinitarian or Unitarian)
and the original followers of Jesus -who were all members of the
twelve tribes of the Tribe of Israel-had long been lost; the doctri­
nal controversies and debates which had characterised the early
Christian Councils and Synods had all been simplified and decided
one way or the other; and any serious opposition to Trinitarian
Christianity in Europe had been overcome.
Despite the tremendous power which came to be wielded by
the Trinitarian Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches in Europe,
however, they couId not quite stamp out belief in the Divine Unity
amongst those who professed to be Christians - and whether it
became known as Arianism or Socianism or Unitarianism, belief
in the Divine Unity - in One God - has survived within the Chris­
tian movement right up to the present day, as the following short
biographies of sorne of its most outspoken adherents demonstrate.

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