Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Later Unitarians in Christianity 241

reconàledwith the idea, that the manifestation of Christ,
as God, was a primary object of Christianity, our adver­
saries must determine.
If we examine the passages in which Jesus is distin­
guished from God, we shall see, that they not only speak
of him as another being, but seem to labour to express
his inferiority. He is continuaHy spoken of as the Son of
God, sent of God, receiving all his powers from God,
working miracles because God was with him, judging
justly because God taught him, having daims on our
belief, because he was anointed and sealed by God, and
was able of himself to do nothing. The NewTestament is
filled with this language. Now, we ask, what impres­
sion this language was fitted and intended to make?
Could any, who heard it, have imagined that Jesus was
the very God to whom he was 50 industriously dedared
to be inferior; the very Being by Whom he was sent, and
from Whom he professed to have received his message
and power?
Trinitarians profess to derive sorne important advan­
tages from their mode of viewing Christ. It furnishes
them, they tell us, with an infinite atonement, for it
showstheman infinite being suffering for theirsins. The
confidence with which this fallacy is repeated astonishes
us. When pressed with the question, whether they re­
ally believe, that the infinite and unchangeable God
suffered and died on the cross, they acknowledge that
this is not true, but thatChrist's humanmindalone sus­
tained the pains of death. How have we, then, an infi­
nite sufferer? This language seems to us an imposition
on common minds, and very derogatory to God's jus­
tice, as if this attribute could be satisfied by a sophism
and a fiction ... 61

Thus, even though Channing mistakenly believed that Jesus was
crucified and was resurrected, he was still able to illustrate the ab­
surdity of the doctrine of the Atonement and Redemption of 5ins,
despite his ignorance of the fact that the alleged events on which
this doctrine is based never took place. Channing further refuted
the doctrine on the following grounds:

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