Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

242 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

•    There is no passage in the Bible in which we are told
that the son of man is infinite and needs infinite atone­
ment. This doctrine teaches that man, although cre­
ated by Cod a frail, erring and imperfect being, is re­
garded by the Creator as an infini te offender. Surely
God can forgive sin without this rigid expedient.

•    This doctrine which talks of Cod becoming a victim
and a sacrifice for His own rebellious subjects is as
irrational as it is unscriptural, Atonement should be
made to and not by Cod. If infinite atonement was
necessary, which only Cod could require, then Cod
would have to become a sufferer and take upon Him­
self our pain and woe - a thought of which the mind
cannot conceive. To escape this difficulty, we are told
that Christ suffered as man and not as Cod. But if he
only suffered.for a short and limited period, then how
was the necessity for infini te atonement satisfied?

•    Ifwe have Cod in heaven with infinite goodness and
power, we need no other infinite person to save us.
This doctrine dishonours Cod when it says that with­
out the help of a second and a third deity, He could
not save man.

•    Ifinfinite atonement in order to satisfy the demands
of justice was indispensableforman's salvation,then
this should have been expressed clearly and definitely
in at least one passage of the Bible. This doctrine may
be compared to a judge who punishes himself for the
crimes committed by a transgressor appearing in his
court - whereas the Bible says, 'For we must aIl ap­
pear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each
one may receive what is due to him for the things
done while inthe body, whether good or bad.' (2Cor­
inihians 5: 10). And again, 'Each of us will give an
account of himself to God.' (Romans 14: 12).

•    Ifby the crucifixion of Jesus, Cod's justice is satisfied
for sins past, present and to come, then Cod has lost
all power to enjoin godliness and a virtuous life, and
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