Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Jesus in Qur'an 309


Do you not see that those who have been given part of
the Book have exchanged it for going astray, and that
they want you also to go astray from the way? And God
knows best who your enernies are -and God is enough
as a Guardian, and God is enough as a Helper. (Qur'an
4: 44-45).


Those who have been given the Book recognise this
(Qur'an) just as they recognise their own sons-but they
deceive themselves and so they will not believe. (Qur'an
6: 20).


Say: '0 People of the Book, why do you rejeet the signs
of God when (you know that) God is witnessing what
you are doing?'

Say: '0 you who believe, ifyou were to obey a group of
those who were given the Book, they would make you
become disbelievers again after your belief.' And how
can you disbelieve, when the signs of God are recited to
you and His Messenger is arnong you? And whoever
holds on firmly to God will indeed be guided on a
straight path. a you who believe, fear God with the fear
which is due to Him, and do not die except as Muslims.
(Qur'an 3: 98-102).

God tells the followers of the Prophet Muhammad what to say to
those of the People of the Book who oppose the Muslims:

Say: '0People of the Book, do you rejeet us justbecause
we believe in God, and in what has been revealed to us,
and in what was revealed in the past, and because most
of you are evillivers?' Say: 'Shall 1tell you what is worse
than that as far as retribution from God is concemed? It
is for whomever God has cursed and is angry with ­
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