Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

310 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

and whomever of these He has tumed into apes and
pigs -and whoever worships false gods. These are in a
worse situation and are further astray from the right
way.' And when they come to you, they say, 'We be­
lieve,' - when in fact they came in not believing and
they certainly left the same way - and God knows best
what they were concealing. And you see many of them
competing with each other in wickedness and enmity
and devouring what is forbidden - what they are doing
is certainly awful. Why do the rabbis and the priests
not forbid their evil words and their devouring what is
forbidden? What they are doing is certainly awful.
(Qur'an 5: 59-63).


Andthe Jews say,'Ezrais the son ofGod,'and theChris­
tians say, 'The Messiah is the son of God.' These are the
words that they utter, which are like the words of those
who disbelieved in the past - God curse them -what
liars they are! They have taken their rabbis and their
monks as their lords instead of God -and the Messiah
son of Mary - and they were commanded only to wor­
ship One God. There is no god except Him. Glory be to
Him, above what they associate with Him. They want
to put out the Light of God with their mouths, but God
seeks only to perfect His Light, however much those
who reject may detest il. He is the One who has sent His
Messenger with guidance and the true life-transaction
so that it may overcome all other religions, however
much those who worship idols may detest il. Oh you
who believe, surely many of the rabbis and the monks
certainly devour the wealth ofpeople through deception
and lead them away from the way of God. And as for
those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it
in the way of Cod, tell them of a painful punishment ­
on a Day when it will be heated up in the Fire of Hell,
and then their foreheads and their sides and their backs
will be branded with it, (and they will be told), 'This is
what you used to hoard up for yourselves - so have a
taste of what you used to hoard!' (Qur'an 9: 30-35).
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