Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

20 Jesus, Ptopheiof Islam

and such.' 50 the boy would go home to his people and
would cry until they gave him that thing. Then they
would say to him, 'Who told you about this?' and he
would say, 'Jesus.' 50 they gathered them in a house
and Jesus came looking for them. Then they said, 'They
are not here.' He said to them, "Then what is in this
house?' They replied, '5wine.' He said, 'Let them be
swine.' 50 when they opened the door for them, lot they
were swine. The Children of Israel were troubled about
Jesus, so when his mother was afraid concerning him,
she put him on an ass of hers and went in flight to Egypt.

Wahb said: The first sign which the people saw from
Jesus was that his mother was living in the house of a
village headman in the land of Egypt, to which Ioseph,
the carpenter, had brought her when he went with her
to Egypt; and the poor used to repair to that headman's
house, Sorne money belonging to that headman wassto­
len from his treasury, but he did not suspect the poor.
Mary was grieved over the affliction of that headman.
When Jesus saw his mother's grief over her host's af­
fliction, he said to her, 'Mother, do you want me to guide
him to his money?' 5he replied, 'Yes, my son.' He said,
'Tell him to gather the poor for me in his house.' 50 Mary
said that to the headman and he gathered the poor for
him. When they had collected, he went to two of them,
one of whom was blind and the other lame, and lifted
the lame man onto the blind man's shoulders, and said
to him, 'Rise upwithhim.'Theblind manreplied,'1 am
too weak for that.' Jesus said to him, 'How were you
strong enough for it yesterday?' When they heard him
saying that, they beat the blind man till he arose, and
when he stood up, the lame man reached to the win­
dow of the treasury. Then Jesus said to the headman,
"Thus they schemed against your property yesterday,
because the blind man sought the help of his strength
and the lame man of his eyes.' Then the blind man and
the lame man said, 'He has spoken the truth, by God!'
and restored all his money to the headman, He look il
and put it in his treasury and said, '0 Mary, take half of
it.' 5he replied, '1 was not created for that.' The head­
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