Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
An Historical Accountof Jesus 21

man said, "Then give it to your son: She replied, 'He is
greater in rank than1.' ... And at that time he was twelve
years old.

Ata' said: When Mary had taken Jesus from the school,
she handed him over to various trades, and the last to
which she entrusted himwas to the dyers; so she handed
him over to their chief that he might learn from him.
Now the man had various clothes with him, and he had
to go on a joumey, so he said to Jesus, 'You have learned
this trade, and 1 am going on a joumey from which 1
shall not retum for ten days. These clothes are of differ­
ent colours, and 1 have marked every one of them with
the colour with which it is to be dyed, so 1want you to
be finished with them when 1 return.' Then he went out.
Jesus, peace be upon him, prepared one container with
one colour and put all the clothes in it and said to them,
'Be, by God's permission, according to what is expected
of you.' Then the dyer came, and all the clothes were in
onecontainer,so hesaid, '0Jesus, whathaveyoudone?'
He replied, '1 have finished them: He said, 'Where are
they?' He replied, 'In the container.' He said, 'AlI of
them?' He replied, 'Yes:' He said, 'How are they all in
one container? You have spoiled those clothes.' He re­
plied, 'Rise and look.' 50 he arose, and Jesus took out a
yeHow garment and a green garment and a red garment
until he had taken them out according to the colours
which he desired. Then the dyer began to wonder, and
he knew that this was from God, Great and Glorious is
He. Then the dyer said to the people, 'Come and look at
what Jesus peace be upon him, has done.' 50 he and his
companions and they were the disciples, believed in
him; and God Great and Glorious is He, knows best.

During the early manhood of Jesus, John left the Essene society
and began to live alone in the wilderness, 'He dressed himself in a
simple garment of camel's hair with a leathergirelle round his waist.
He ate only locusts and wild honey.' (Matthew 3: 4). He began to
preach to people directly and did not insist on the long period of
apprenticeship which was usually necessary for a person who de­
sired full membership in the Essene brotherhood. His was thus a

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