Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Jesus in Qur'an 317

tablish the prayer and pay the zakat and hold firmly to
God - He is your Protector, a blessed Protector and a
blessed Helper. (Qur'an 22: 77-78).


And as for whoever obeys God and the Messenger, they
are with those whom God has blessed - the Prophets,
and those who speak the truth, and the martyrs, and
the righteous -and they are the best company! (Qur'an
4: 69).


He has commanded you to follow the same life-trans­
action that He decreed for Noah, and which We have
revealed to you (0 Muhammad), and which We decreed
for Abraham, and for Moses, and for Jesus, saying, 'Es­
tablish the life-transaction and do not become divided
in il.' What you are calling the idol worshippers to fol­
low is dreadful for them, but God chooses whomever
He wishes for Himself, and He guides whoever turns
to Him to Himself. And they did not become divided
until after knowledge had come to them, out of rivalry
amongst themselves, and if it had not been for a decree
for an appointed term which had already come from
your Lord, judgement concerning them would certainly
have been passed -and surely those who have inher­
ited the Book after them are hopelessly in doubt about
il. (Qur'an 42: 13-14).


Surely the life-transaction with God is Islam.

And those who were given the Book (in the past) did
not disagree until after knowledge had come to them,
out of rivalry amongst themselves -and as for whoever
rejects the signs of God, then surely God is swift at the
reckoning. And if they argue with you, then say, '1have
submitted my will to God - together with whoever fol­
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