Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

318 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

And say to those who were given the Book (in the past)
and to those who are illiterate, 'Have you accepted Is­
lam?' And if they have accepted Islam then they are in­
deed rightly guided, and if they tum away then it is
only up to you to deliver the message - and God is All­
Seeing over (His) slaves.

As for those who reject the signs of God, and who kill
the Prophets without any justification, and who kill
those people who demand justice - tell them of a pain­
ful punishment. These are the ones whose actions have
failed both in this world and in the next world -and
they will not have any helpers. Have you not seen how
those who have been given part of the Book invoke the
Book of God to reach a judgement between them -and
then a group of them tum away in disagreement? That
is because they say, 'The Fire will not touch us except
for a certain number of days,' - and so what they used
to make up in their religion has deceived them.

Howwill it be whenWehavegathered them all together
on a Day about which there is no doubt, when every
self will be paid in full for what it has earned -and they
will not be wronged? (Qur'an 3: 19-25).


And the different groups among them disagree with
each other - so woe to those who disbelieve in the meet­
ing on a mighty Day: listen to them, and look, on the
Day they meet Us! -and today the wrong doers are
clearly astray, so warn them about the Day of regret
when the matter will be judged, for now they are care­
less and they do not believe. Surely it is We Who will
inherit the earth and whatever is in it - and it is to Us
they will return. (Qur'an 19:37-40).


And what will tell you what the Day of Judgement is?
Again, whatwill tell youwhatthe Day ofJudgementis?
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