Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

32 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

There is no known eopy of the original revelation whieh
was given to sayyedina 'Isa, peace be on him - the Ingil­
in existence today, whieh perhaps partIy explains why
his teaehings have been rewritten and redefined so of­
ten during the last two millennia. Aeeording to the Gos­
pel of Barnabas, the Ingilwas never actually eontained in
a written form - being more Iike a wel1 of wisdom in
sayyedina ,Isa' s heart from whieh he drew when it was
needed - but it is clear that as weil as speaking Ara­
maie, sayyedina 'Isa also knew Hebrew, since his pur­
pose was to re-establish the original teaehings of Musa
amongtheTribe of Israel, in aeeordanee withthe Taurah,
whieh was written in ancient Hebrew, and whieh had
already been so signifieantly ehanged and eorrupted by
the time of his miraeulous birth, that he was in fact re­
jeeted by the very Jewish priesthood who claimed to be
the rightful eustodians of sayyedina Musa's teachings!
Indeed,perhapsone of the mainreasons why the [ew­
ish priesthood opposed sayyedina 'Isa and wished to
have him kiIled was because he knew exactly which
parts of the Taurah which had originally been revealed
to sayyedina Musa had been subsequentIy changed by
the Jews, having been given direct knowledge of the
original Taurah by Allah.
Sayyedina 'Isa was also most probably equally aware
of the distortions and amendments eontained in the
additional books which had been written after the death
of sayyedina Musa, and whieh purported to faithfully
record the history of the Tribe of Israel thereafter.
In other words, with the eoming of sayyedina 'Isa, all
the misrepresentations and changes to the original teach­
ings of sayyedina Musa which had gradually been intro­
dueed by the Jewish priesthood during the nine centu­
ries that had elapsed after the reign of sayyedina
Sulayman had come to an end were suddeniy in grave
danger of being exposed, and their hierarehy of being
destroyed. This is why they rejected sayyedina 'Isa, peaee
be on him, and this is why they plotted with the Ro­
mans to have him killed. li

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