Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

Cliff(3,1) is isomorphic to the algebraM(4,R) of 4 by 4 real matrices. Several
conventional identifications of the generatorsγjwith 4 by 4 complex matrices
satisfying the relations of the algebra were described in chapter 41. Each of
these gives an identification of Cliff(3,1) with a specific subset of the complex
matricesM(4,C) and of the complexified Clifford algebra Cliff(3,1)⊗Cwith
M(4,C) itself. The Dirac operator in Minkowski space is thus

∂/=γ 0

∂x 0
+γ 1

∂x 1
+γ 2

∂x 2
+γ 3

∂x 3
=γ 0

∂x 0

and it will act on four-component functionsψ(t,x) =ψ(x) on Minkowski space.
These functions take values in the four dimensional vector space that the Clifford
algebra elements act on (which can beR^4 if using real matrices,C^4 in the
complex case).
We have seen in chapter 42 that−P 02 +P 12 +P 22 +P 32 is a Casimir operator for
the Poincar ́e group. Acting on four-component wavefunctionsψ(x), the Dirac
operator provides a square root of (minus) this Casimir operator since

∂/^2 =−












=−(−P 02 +P 12 +P 22 +P 32 )

For irreducible representations of the Poincar ́e group the Casimir operator acts
as a scalar (0 for massless particles,−m^2 for particles of massm). Using the
Dirac operator we can rewrite this condition as




+ ∆−m^2 )ψ= (∂/+m)(∂/−m)ψ= 0 (47.1)

This motivates the following definition of a new wave equation:

Definition(Dirac equation). The Dirac equation is the differential equation

(∂/−m)ψ(x) = 0 (47.2)

for four-component functions on Minkowski space.

Using equation 40.3, for the Minkowski space Fourier transform, the Dirac equa-
tion in energy-momentum space is

(i/p−m)ψ ̃(p) = (i(−γ 0 p 0 +γ 1 p 1 +γ 2 p 2 +γ 3 p 3 )−m)ψ ̃(p) = 0 (47.3)

Note that solutions to this Dirac equation are also solutions to equation 47.1,
but in a sense only half of them. The Dirac equation is first-order in time, so
solutions are determined by the initial value data

ψ(x) =ψ(0,x)

ofψat a fixed time, while equation 47.1 is second-order, with solutions deter-
mined by specifying bothψand its time derivative.

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