FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for World War II

home of Baron Rothschild. Maria was sent home to Spital, where
Hitler’s father was born.

In Hitler’s War, written in 1977 by British author and historical
revisionist, David Irving, he revealed that Hitler didn’t order the Jewish
massacres, and didn’t find out about it until late in the war. There is no
record of Hitler ever visiting a concentration camp, although he did
watch films and see photographs.

So what turned Hitler against the Jews, if indeed he was; or was there
someone else making decisions for him.

As early as 1919, he spoke of removing Jews altogether; and in his
book Mein Kampf, written while he was in prison in 1924, for the ‘Beer
Hall Putsch,’ spoke of the overthrow of “world Jewry”: “I believe that I
am today acting according to the purposes of the almighty Creator. In
resisting the Jew, I am fighting the Lord’s battle.” On January 30, 1939,
he said in a speech to the Reichstag: “Today I want to be a prophet
once more: if international finance Jewry inside and outside of Europe
should succeed once more in plunging nations into another world war,
the consequence will not be the bolshevization of the earth and
thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in
Europe.” In a public speech in Munich, on November 8, 1942, he said
that “International Jewry will be recognized in its full demonic peril; we
National Socialists would see to that.”

Hitler had read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and in
1942, was told by Himmler, that they were forged, however, Hitler
disregarded that fact and said: “We shall regain our health only by
eliminating the Jew.” He attributed the weakness of the German
economy to the Jews, and considered the Treaty of Versailles, a
Jewish document. He even accused the Jews of spreading
communism; yet in a speech on February 5, 1941, said that “basically,
National Socialism (Naziism) and Communism are the same.”

Why does the life of Hitler seem to be a series of contradictions? One
clue was revealed in The Secret Diaries of Hitler’s Doctors, written in
1983 by David Irving, which revealed that Hitler had taken 75 different
medications. He was given strychnine and belladonna (for gas),
cocaine and adrenalin (for conjunctivitis), amphetamines, painkillers,
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