FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for World War II

and sedatives, including Eukodal, a synthetic morphine derivative. One
has to wonder if Hitler was even aware of what he was being given.
Were they being given to him for the sole purpose of making him
mentally unstable, so he could be controlled by advisors, who were
acting on behalf of the forces that Hitler wrongly identified as the
Jewish bankers.

There may also be a more sinister reason which contributed to Hitler’s
state of mind. Hitler and some of his officers had been linked to
various occult groups and the use of the swastika gave evidence of
that. In its normal usage, it is a sign of the power of light; but in its
reverse form, as used by the Nazis, it represents the power of
darkness. According to writer Joseph Carr: “We know that Hitler and
his top luminaries were either dabblers in the occult, or, outright
Satanists.” As a youth, Hitler had been influenced by George Lanz von
Liebenfels, an Austrian magician who in 1907 founded “The Order of
the New Templars,” which used the swastika as its emblem. He wrote
in a 1932 letter that Hitler was one of his pupils and that one day he
would “develop a movement that will make the world tremble.”

Hitler joined a secret group in 1919, called the Thule Society, which
practiced black magic and worshipped Satan. They wanted to form a
political party to rally the people against communism. Its members
were drawn from the upper echelon of Society. The founder, Dietrich
Eckart, was one of the seven founding members of the Nazi Party, and
said on his deathbed: “Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who have
called the tune! I have initiated him into the ‘Secret Doctrine,’ opened
his centres in vision and given him the means to communicate with the
Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more
than any other German.” Hitler grew to fear those around him who
practiced the black arts, and it was discovered that along with the
Jews, Masons and occult practitioners were also killed and imprisoned
in the concentration camps. Some of the reported book burnings were
actually the confiscation and destruction of Masonic libraries.

Karl Ernst Haushofer (who created the Vril Society, which made up the
inner circle of the Nazi Party), also of the Thule Society, was the
University professor who schooled Hitler on geopolitics. Hitler was
also influenced by the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, from whose
name came the word Nazi. In 1943, Hitler’s birthday gift to Mussolini,
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