FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Illuminati Influence on International Affairs

Sen. Taylor (D-Idaho) called for the Charter of the United Nations to
“be changed to provide a true world government constitution.” He
claimed: “Only a true world government can achieve everlasting
peace.” The report stated (p. 850): “Anything less than world
government would be merely a stopgap.” The existence of Document
No. 87 proves that the government of the United States and the
political leaders of this country are working behind the scenes to
strengthen the United Nations and to move towards one-world

In 1953, during the World Federal Government Conference in
Copenhagen, Denmark, UN supporters revealed plans to push for a
revision of the UN Charter, which would provide for the UN to become
a World Federal Government with a world legislature and court,
mandatory universal membership with no right of secession; and a full
and immediate disarmament which would be militarily supported by
the UN. Another conference, in London, in 1954, by the World
Movement for World Federation, also proposed similar ideas.

This movement to remove the sovereignty of the United States and
member countries, convinced Senator John Bricker to propose his
“Bricker Amendment” which would have placed in the U.S.
Constitution, a safeguard against the possibility of a treaty which
could result in a world government: “A provision of a Treaty or other
international agreement which conflicts with this Constitution, or
which is not made in pursuance thereof, shall not be supreme law of
the land nor be of any force or effect.” During debate on the Bill, Sen.
Pat McCarran (D-Nevada) said of the powers provided to the UN by
Articles 55 and 56 of the UN Charter: “The Congress of the United
States, because of the power granted to it by treaty, could enact
laws ... taking over all private and parochial schools, destroying all
local school boards ... and substitute a federal system ... Congress
could by law provide for censoring all press telegrams ... Congress
could utilize this power to put into effect a complete system of
socialized medicine, from cradle to grave ... even legislate compulsory
labor, if it found that the goal of full employment required such
legislation or would be served by it.”

The Bricker Amendment was opposed by all the “one-world”
organizations and internationalists like U.S. Supreme Court Justice
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