Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

Dear Reich,

March 22, 1936

You remember I mentioned a Mrs. Tracey who wanted to
come to you? I would be very grateful if you would take her on for
analysis. She is a parent here and I tried to analyse her myself, but
found her emotional attitude to me made it impossible. She wants if
possible to go to Oslo about May 10th, and as she is very unhappy
and having ghastly dreams I am hoping you can find time to analyse her.
She has a dream of dealing with children analytically later on.
Let me know as soon as you can. Best Wishes.

  • I •

Oslo, Norway
March 26, 1936
Dear Neill!
Before I can decide myself to start an analysis with Mrs.
Tracey, I would like to have entire information through you or by her­
self about her difficulties, her age etc. I am rather occupied and would
have to reserve an hour for her. Besides I am rather expensive, that
means my circumstances don't admit to take low prices. My minimum
fee is 20 norv.Kr. for the hour. If that would be too much a character
analysis with a lower price, about ten norv.Kr. would be possible by one
of my pupils. I could guarantee for a very good one.
Please let me know about what Mrs. Tracey is going zu decide.

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